About MeI got into education as a high school English teacher, and over the years, I have taught English literature and English to English Language Learners. I graduated from Furman University with a BA in English and French, and I got my MA in education at Georgetown College. I've taught in a variety of settings including in Japan and in Kentucky with adult learners as well as in high schools in SC, KY, and VA. Most recently, I had the awesome opportunity to teach English at Broadway High School with RCPS. I've found that I am most passionate about creating genuine engagement and authentic learning experiences, which led me on the pathway to become an ITRT. I'm so thrilled to be part of an incredible, inspiring technology team!
Outside of the classroom, I love spending time with my husband, daughter, and dog. We enjoy hiking, swimming, kayaking, and just being outside here in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. We also love to travel, and we take any opportunity we can get to see new places! I really enjoy writing and photography, and I am passionate about young adult literature. For more about reading and teaching YA lit, see my personal blog.